Wednesday, June 29, 2011

summer vacation

means mom is on the go. Drew and I have been having fun so far this summer. We are only 2 weeks in and have managed to keep busy and I have not heard the words all moms dread in the summer. You know the ones I am talking about so I won't jinx it by saying them here.

We painted pottery, went camping, and yesterday we saw CARS2. Today we are hitting my knitting group. He gets soup so he is happy. Starting tomorrow I will be working the church firework booth in the AM. I have to find time to hit the gym. I already miss not going. Drew loves going so that helps the motivation. We had a freak rain storm yesterday and it was cold. It should be warmer tomorrow so maybe after an appt in the afternoon we can go.

I have still been couponing. The one thing I have found is all the bloggers of couponing post the same things. Not that it is bad because sometimes I miss what one posts and pick it up somewhere else. I ordered a coupon binder/organizer yesterday. I am hopeful this gets this stack of paper off my desk and in some semblece of order.

OOOHHH I won another contest. Remember these? yes they are still around. It should make for a fun afternoon this summer with Drew - don't you think?

I am trying to find some half pint mason jars cheap. I found a way to send phil and betsy cupcakes. But I don't want to spend a fortune on getting the jars because shipping the goodies to phil and betsy will be bad enough. I found a recipe for oreo cookie cupcakes. I can't put my hands on the recipe right now but the looked so yummy. Wonder if this could be a business venture - shipping cupcakes??? Probably too expensive. Oh well,.

till next time - Faith Trust Pixie dust.

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