Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It amazes me how time gets away from me. I would have sworn that I had updated in the last few weeks but SURPRISE! it has been almost a month.

Seniors at Phil's school are trying to convince parents to excuse them on Friday for a skip day. Forget the fact that they just had a 2 week spring break, Good Friday off, and next Friday they leave for 4 days in Orlando. Plus there is an offical Sr. Skip day in May when the Seniors get to go camping with no chaperones. Plus they don't have a full week of school until graudation because of events. AND they get the last 2 weeks of school off. While the underclassmen are still in school and taking finals the Seniors don't have class.

Trying to explain this to a know it all Senior is very difficult. I told Scott I was waiting till he got home tonight to give him the news that we will not excuse him. I don't want to listent to him whine about it without reinforcements.

On other Phil notes. He has decided to go to Washburn. The Sig Ep house is coming to take him out to dinner next week. They have invited him to spend the night before orientation later this month. I thought for sure he would stay in the dorm but it looks like he may surprise us and go Greek. But that is for him to decide.

1 comment:

Campbell or @FELTit or Designs by Anna said...

I have these things to pass along to Phil:

Go Bods!


suck it up and go to class!
