Sunday, March 03, 2013

New Direction

Over the past year I have found my blog has lacked direction.  I have written about many things family, friends, new job, moving.  I have had very little motivation to write.  Granted it has been a hectic few months. I think I have found my direction.

If you have read many of my posts you know my youngest son suffers from Tourette Syndrome. My husband and I adopted Drew at birth.  He had a rough start and we knew from the beginning there would be challenges.  My dad often commented that though he did not know why the Cosmos lined up and some force brought Drew to me for a reason.

I have often wondered why Drew came to us.  I thought several years ago it was to be a fighter for what Drew needed.  I was right to a point.  I am Drew's mom, fighter, advocate  number one to give him love.  I am his safe place.  The one place he knows no matter what he can be who he is and let his feelings known.

I have searched for websites and blogs chronicling other mom's struggles with Tourette Syndrome, an syndrome that gets little recognition and funding for a cure or research. It is a very misunderstood neuro biological condition that is often portrayed incorrectly on TV.  When someone says Tourette's Syndrome, the first image is of someone who cusses and can't control it.  That is a small part of Tourette. It is called Coprolalia and only about 10% of those who suffer with Tourette have this condition.

Drew has a severe case of Tourette Syndrome. He tics all the time.  Even in his sleep. We are fortunate to have moved to Colorado where the Children's hospital is making progress in managing the symptoms of this disorder.

Facts about Tourette Syndrome

It affects more boys than girls
1 in 1000 have this condition
There is no cure.
It is a spectrum disorder.
OCD, Anxeity, and ADHD are co-morbid conditions. (Drew has all 3)
No two cases of Tourette are the same.

I have decided to use my blog to educate about Tourette as well as a place to vent and share our struggles, and day to day triumphs of Tourette.  My hope is that I can inspire or help just one mom.  I also hope to build a network for other parents to find a place to learn and help each other.

I recommend if  you want more information to check out Tourette Syndrome Association.

I welcome  you to our new journey.

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