Sunday, September 04, 2011

Amazon give a way.

I promised that once I had 200 fans I would give away a 5.00 Amazon gift card.  Since I have not been approved by Rafflecopter yet I have to do this by hand.  AHH the joys of a new job.

So here is the deal.  I will use to get my winner but you have to leave a comment as to when you start Christmas shopping.  Me? I start in July. You also have to be a fan of my FB page.  Contest ends September 12, 2011 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.

Ready go.


Karen Conway said...

I guess you can say I shop all year long. Just not necessarily holiday shop as I do not celebrate Christmas... I am forever picking up gifts for people as I see something I know someone will like, if that counts. :]

Esther V. said...

I usually shop all year, but will start to really hone in on sales for Christmas gifts beginning July.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!

Elaine said...

I am always Christmas shopping. I get the gifts as I see them and they fit in my budget. Then, in November, I open my closet where I stash gifts and see who's getting lucky!

Jennifer Rote said...

I used to do it all year but the last 2 yrs I have waited till November to start.