Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pictures of the car and other stuff.

Here are pics from the wreck. Phil is lucky to be walking. We called the doc back in Lawrence last night. Phil is developing some unusual indentations in his leg. She had us give him a massive dose of asprin last night and if it is not better we are to take him to the ER this AM. She is wondering if a blood clot is developing.
We went on one last back to school shopping trip yesterday before all this medical stuff happened. His suit got trashed in the wreck so he needed a new one for the fraternity. He also needed jeans, shirts and a new suitcase (thanks TSA). I told him this was the last mother/son shopping trip of his school career. It is time for the tradition to be passed on to Drew, who starts kindergarten next year.
I have gotten enrolled at UNM. I have opted to take the needed/dreaded math classes at the local community college right down the street. cheaper and should not be as intense. I am not a big fan of UNM campus but at least I will be able to complete my degree and get my Master's in the next 4 years.
I have finally found a way to get rid of GWB. My dad sent me this and maybe if we all do it our outlook will be better.

. Open a new folder on your computer.
2. Name it "George W Bush"
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Empty the trash.
5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get rid of"George W. Bush?"
6. Firmly Click "Yes."
7. Feel better!
PS: Tomorrow we'll do Dick Cheney...
Faith,trust Pixie dust

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