Sunday, November 28, 2010

Putting thankfulness into action

It hit me this morning during church that for the past month everyone has been blogging about what they are thankful for OR putting it on facebook. I decided I wanted to start a December movement.

It is time to put our thankfulness into action. I challenge everyone who reads my blog to do the following, challenge your readers. Post what you do here and have your readers do the same on your page.

Do something for a stranger everyday in December. It doesn't have to cost money. Let someone with fewer items go ahead of you in the grocery store or post office, help an elderly person get a cart at the store, put a quarter in a meter that you notice is about to expire, let a car into traffic ahead of you. The list is endless. The power of blogging and Facebook is amazing imagine what a wonderful holiday season it would be if we each took 3 minutes each day and made a stranger smile.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Love the idea of getting off-line and into life!