We drop the dog off at 1 with our friend Julie and SKippy and her dog 'Nilla are having a sleep over. We are then headed to Alameda in the Bay area to spend the night on the USS Hornet. It is proclaimed to be one of the most haunted locations in the entire country. We are going with Drew's Scout pack. We are not telling the boys about the history but the several adults are very anxious for lights out at 11 so that we can have some fun. The adults have to take shifts keeping watch. I have been debating taking all night and sleeping tomorrow because I don't want to waste one minute on this experience. I have promised my friend Brooke that I will say a prayer of protection before we all board the ship. She hasn't like my last to attempts. But I promise that I will ask for protection for the boys and adults as I would in any event I would be chaperoning. I want us to all have a safe fun trip.
It is only 46 days until we hit the gates of magic kingdom for our 12 day family adventure. We let Betsy pick the first ride. she chose Dumbo. This is one ride that I have never experienced.
On another note I have finally gotten somewhere with the school district. It is amazing what a well worded letter using words like denying my son free and public education and sending them the bill for the private school of my choice becausey the were out of compliance, can do. I dropped that letter off at the district office at 1. At 2:15 I had a call from the head of the special ed department. by 323 it had been decided Monday afternoon Drew and I would meet with the program specialist at a park so we could talk and she could observe drew. IT was also decided that until all of the details of his placement could be worked out the district would provide a teacher coming the home to school work. They will see the real issues at that point. We see the specialist on Monday AM to start getting some answers.
Well off to buy a digital recorder for tonight. See everyone tomorrow.
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