Several years ago we got into some financial problems. It was a matter of being irresponsible. I found this great site and I learned how to turn it around and improve our credit. There are very knowledgeable people on the site who support and guide people on how not to let collection people bully/scare you into paying what you shouldn't have to. Credit Boards are nationally recognized and have been written about in many magazines including US News, Time etc. I learned about the Fair Debt Collection Act as well as the Fair Credit Reporting Act. These are important thing for you to know about even if you dont' have credit problems. It is a matter of having the knowledge and being an informed consumer. using the info I learned, I found how collection agencies use tactics that are illegal to bully people in to paying what they don't owe. I also learned how to make the laws work for me.
We got out of debt and improved our credit scores. Then came 2 moves in 2 years, a house that wouldn't sell etc. We lived off our credit cards. Recently, Pam, the site owner asked for people who had gotten their act together and then had fallen back on hard times and were working to get back on the right track to contact her about writing a blog. I contacted her. I got an email today asking if I would write a blog on the Creditboard site - for all the world to see. I don't know how many blogs there are but check it out. With the down turn in the economy many people are not alone in scrambling to get out of debt and clean up their credit reports.
So come on over, read my story, read other stories, learn a thing or two about credit in this economy and how to protect yourself. If you are in a financial mess come read the stories of those digging out and how to help yourself. It saved us the first time and I am using what I learned several years ago again along with new tactics to help us this time around.
1 comment:
Best of luck to you, Cathy! I know you can do it! {hugs}
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